1) intercede-to act or interpose in behalf of someone in difficulty or trouble.
My brother and I intercede on a daily basis.
2) hackneyed -made common place or trite.
Going main stream is pretty hackneyed.
3) approbation-approval, commendation.
Adults have more approbation than children.
4) an indirect intimation about a person or thing.
He is innuendo to the jury.
5) a combination or alliance.
We need to work in coalition to get things done.
6) elicit-to give rise to.
To elicit the truth.
7) hiatus-any gap or opening.
There is a hiatus in my wall.
8) assuage-to male milder or less severe.
The doctor needs to assuage the patients cancer.
9) decadence-the act or process of falling into an inferrior condition or state.
My attitude shows my decadence.
10) expostulate-to argue or reason.
We expostulated about where we wanted to go.
11) simulate- to make a pretense of.
I will simulate a hypothesis to my experiment.
12) jaded- worn out.
My shoes are jaded.
13) umbrage-offended
I umbrage your attitude.
14) prerogative-a right or privilege..
I have prerogative to do what i want.
15) lurid- gruesome, horrible.
This movie is so lurid.
16) transcende- to rise above or go beyomd.
I will transcend my dreams.
17) provincial- having or showing manners orview points.
Your provinial is different than mine.
18) petulant- showing sudden impatient irritation.
You look petulant to that little girl.
19) unctuous-having an oily or soapy feel.
My hair feels unctuous.
20) meritorious-deserving praise,reward, etc.
Im meritorious to those 100 dollars.
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