Sunday, September 30, 2012

my walk

On my walk I thought about a lot.  It was a nice time to just clear my mind.  It was very relaxing and I would do it again.  While I was out I felt a nice breeze which cooled me down from the heat and I also smelled the fresh cut grass from the people who just cut their lawns.  I saw people walking  some with their dogs, some alone, while others with a friend or a loved one.  I think that a walk ties with romaticism because your out in the nature(kind of) and it may not seem like it but theres a lot of emotion.  All the thoughts that go through your head have some time of feeling which changes your mood and gives you a different feeling.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dream within a dream

I kind of don't understand the poem but from my understanding I think its about a man who is being broken up with by his girlfriend. He didn't want it to happen so he is very upset about the whole thing. She was his hope and he's lost it. He's hoping that he's just dreaming that it happened because he doesn't want to lose her. He wants to hold on to her as tight as he possibly can

Monday, September 24, 2012

Revision to my essay

For next time with my essay I need to put it in paragraph form.  I also need to add more detail to support what im trying to say.  I didnt really use any detail to support my theisis. 

vocabulary 6

1)adroit-expert or nimble in the use of hands or body.
The doctor is adroit for surgery.
The daycare advisor seems amieable.
3)averse-having strong feeling or disliking.
The dog is averse to animal control.
4)belligerent-aggresivley hostile
Te man was being belligerent becuase the waiter didnt get his order right.
Horses are very benevolent when you give them carrots.
The way jackie handled being pregnant was cursory.
The little boy had a duplicity attitude because he knew that he was goinig to get in trouble.
The christans extol the lord.
I hope that the test in my next class will be feasible.
10)gimace-expression of pain or disgust
The trash smelt so nasty so I had a grimace look on my face.
11)holocaust-slaughter on mass scale
The holocaust was way worse than 9/11.
12)impervious-not allowing fluid to pass through
The human skin is impervious to water.
13)impetus-energy in which the body moves
The runner uses a lot of impetus when he goes on mid night runs.
14)jepardy-danger of failure
I am in jepadry because my mom found out I have an F+
15)metculous-very careful, neat
I was very meticulous when i was skating on the ice.
16)nostalgia-fond memories
Christmas is nostalgia to me.
17)quintessence-perfect example
The teacher is giving us a quintessence on our homework.
18)retrogress- to go backward into an earlier and usually worse condition
Hopefully in this recession we wont retrogress into something bad
19)scrutinize- to examine in detail with careful or critical attention
The detectives had to scrutinize the murder scene.
20)tepid-moderatly warm, luke warm
The pool is very tepid so we can actuall yswim in it this time.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Breakfast at Tiffany's

The title of my novel is Breakfast at Tiffany's and it is written by Truman Capote.  I would like to read this novel because it seems like it would be very interesting.  From what I know it could be about a girl who has fame but she still hasn't forgetten who she is.  I've also heard from multiple resources that this is a good read.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Vocabulary 5

allude- refer casually or indirectly
Hopefully I can allude that I need money while talking to my dad.
clairvoyant- having or claiming to have the power of seeing objects
The mind reader claims that she is clairvoyant to my past.
conclusive- serving to settle or decide a question
I am conclusive to whether or not I want to go swimming or running.
disreputable- having a bad reputation

Some people are disreputable because of what they' ve done in their past.
endemic- belonging exclusively or confined to a particular place

Christians are endemic to the church.
exemplary-worthy if imitation
Elvis is very exemplary, that is why he is all over las vegas.
fathom- a unit of length equal to six feet

That ladder is fathom to the ground according to my measuring tape.
guile-crafty or artful deception integrity

Martial arts is very guile by the way the your body moves.
itinerary- a detailed plan for a journey

I have an itinerary for when I go and visit brazil.
misconstrue-to misunderstand the meaning of

I totally misconstrued the homework for tonight.
obnoxious-loud, annoying

The little girl is crying and it is very obnoxious.
placate-to appease or pacify

The sheriff will placate the speeding driver by giving him a ticket.
placid-pleasantly calm or peaceful

The sound of the ocean is so placid and it puts me in such a better mood.
plagiarism- an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own

It is considered cheating if use plagiarism on my essay.potent-powerful, mighty
The MMA fighter looks very potent for his fight.
pretext-something that is put forward to conceal a true purpose or object

The pretext of the story is that it is fake when it is actually real.
protrude-to thrust forward

The runner of the race is going to protude all of his efforts to win his race.
stark-harsh, grim, or desolate

The boyscamp teacher is very stark towards the children.
superficial-being at, on, or near the surface

The island is superficial to the water in the ocean.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


I will read and make sure that the what im revising has the content that it needs as well as check for spelling amd grammar.  Once iveread it and made my changes go over it again to make sure that everything is good that i changed amd that i didnt miss anything

Monday, September 10, 2012

Vocab 9/10/12

1)melancholy-a gloomy state of mind.
I am very meloncholy today because its just a bad day.
2)exemplary-worthy of imitation.
The basketball scouts took exemplary in her because of how good she is.
3)peculiar-strange or odd.
That girl is very peculiar in the way she acts.
4)dread-to fear greatly.
I dread coming to school everyday.
5)bough-a branch of a tree.
This bough is very beautiful in the way it blooms.
6)pious- showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God.
I pious jesus for his willing to sacrifice for our sins.
7)communion- fellowship and or association.
In the book the Lord of the Rings the hobbits had to make a communion.
8)auditor-a hearer and or listener.
It is nice of you to be an auditor to the children with their questions.
9)multitude-a great number.
The is a multitude of people at this concert.
10)eloquence-the practice or art of using language with fluency and aptness.
We use eloquence to make this world a better place......
11)despair-loss of hope.
I despair trying to get a job.
12)hoary-gray or white with age.
My dad is getting very hoary.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


An aha moment that I had during class about the way America advertises and how we do things in everyday life because we don't want to be lonely.  We do thing to mae people like us and want to be around us like using soap so we dont smell and dont send people away because we smell.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Symbolism in Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

Symbolism in Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown is very important because it shows how many thing in life can mean something and how simple it is to recognize it.  Just like the pink ribbon.  It shows how young goodman browns wife is.  It shows that her personality is very sincere and soft.  Something as simple as that can mean and tell you so much about a person life. 

vocabulary 3

1)encomium-a speech.
The president is giving a encomium.
2coherent-theory or policy.
My moms coherent is different then mine.
3)belabor-argue or elaborate detail.
My brother and I belabor about pur differences.
4)eschew-avoid using.
You are eschewing my question.
5)acquisitive-wanting money and or material things.
You are so asquisitive.
6)emulate-to match.
My clothes emulate to my shoes.
7)arrogant-take or claim.
You are so arrogant to the things that I have.
This show is so banal.
Excoriation is not the solution.
We need to congeal this water into ice.
It is carping to maintain hygein.
12)substantiate-provide evidence to prove the truth.
The cop needs to substantiate for the judge.
13)temporize-avoid making a decision.
I need to temporize this decision for now.
14)largesse-giving money or gifts.
That girl is so largesse.
15)tenable-maintained or defended.
My room is very tenable.
16)insatiable-impossible to satisfy.
This child is so insatiable.
17)reconnaissance-observation or research.
The doctors are going to reconnaissane this disease.
18)germane-not relevant.
This story is not germane to my likings.
19)ramify- spread or branch out.
Our friendship is going to ramify to others.
My dog can be very intransigent sometimes.
We have a very taciturm relationship.
22)invidious-to get others mad.
People can be so rude just to invidious others.

Monday, September 3, 2012

1) the travler represents the devil and proves that good man brown has a dark side.  2)good man brown.  his name shiws that he is a good man.  3) the pink ribbons showed that young goodmans wife was sweet and innocent and that she was harmless. 4)  the staff represtemted a person who makes people make ba decisions and leads them to do wrong.  5) the trees pepresnted evil dark and caous.