1)encomium-a speech.
The president is giving a encomium.
2coherent-theory or policy.
My moms coherent is different then mine.
3)belabor-argue or elaborate detail.
My brother and I belabor about pur differences.
4)eschew-avoid using.
You are eschewing my question.
5)acquisitive-wanting money and or material things.
You are so asquisitive.
6)emulate-to match.
My clothes emulate to my shoes.
7)arrogant-take or claim.
You are so arrogant to the things that I have.
This show is so banal.
Excoriation is not the solution.
We need to congeal this water into ice.
It is carping to maintain hygein.
12)substantiate-provide evidence to prove the truth.
The cop needs to substantiate for the judge.
13)temporize-avoid making a decision.
I need to temporize this decision for now.
14)largesse-giving money or gifts.
That girl is so largesse.
15)tenable-maintained or defended.
My room is very tenable.
16)insatiable-impossible to satisfy.
This child is so insatiable.
17)reconnaissance-observation or research.
The doctors are going to reconnaissane this disease.
18)germane-not relevant.
This story is not germane to my likings.
19)ramify- spread or branch out.
Our friendship is going to ramify to others.
My dog can be very intransigent sometimes.
We have a very taciturm relationship.
22)invidious-to get others mad.
People can be so rude just to invidious others.
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