Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Modern writing

My writing in this morning of time is very different than it would have been 5 years ago.   I feel it would be different because of how much slang we have and how quick we are to say thing with no detail. We just get to the point and were done

Monday, February 25, 2013

My modernist

I am choosing Langston hughes because he was from am era of crisis and happiness and so much life that I feel he has so much to say and offer.  He seems like a one of a kind guy due to howuch he wrote and how many plays he wrote.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Jarret anzalone-3 he has posta but he doesn't do most of them
Alyssa Barajas-5 has a good up to date blog
Joseph Beas-3 missing a lot of stuff but still has posts
Jacob Bigelow-1 he had almost nothing
Michaila Bohard- doesnt exsist
Amanda Cagle-5 she has all of her posts
Roman Davis: has a very wellposted blog
Jose Farias: 4 he has most posts
Syerra Fox:5 great blog
Danny George:5 pretty much perfect 
Derek Gonzalez:1. Has close to nothing
Cory Grant:1 barely any posts 
Shelby Hennick:5 very well up to date 
Trevor Henson:0 there's one post 
Melissa Hernandez:1 pretty much nothing
Shelby Kanakanui:0 nothing
Frank Limon:3 has poats but missing some
Jonah Maher:5 has about all off the posts Taylor Martinez: 2 not much but some
Rosario Mena Ortiz:0  nothing on blog Chance Miranda:5 has everything  
Miguel Moreno:5 perfect blog
Shelbi Nunes:0 nothing
Joe Ortiz: not here anymore
Karla Paredes:5 great blog
Nicholaus Paulus: 5 excellent posts
Alicia Ramirez:4 has a lot but a lot missing too.
Cameron Reese:5 great has everything
Matt Reynolds:4  needs more posts but almost there
Josh Salcido: 0 has nothing
Carlos Serrano:5 great blog
Teanna Silveira:4 almost has all posts
Kyle Stickler:2 not much needs more
Diego Tejeda-Mora:4 good blog juat miasing some stuff
Patricia Tuttle: 3 doesnt have much vanessa Vargas:5 great blog 
Jessica Wilkin:2 not updated to this month

The First Seven Years

I really liked this story.  It was really slow at first buy once I got into it, it was already over.  It was a very touching story to me because it shows that true love really is out there and some people will wait for what they want.  Sobel is willing to continue working for feld just to be able to talk to his daughter.  I really liked this story and I would definatly reccomend it to someone.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


1)brouhaha: A noisy and overexcited display of interest 
2)cloy: Disgust or sicken (someone) with an excess of sweetness 
3)demeanor: Outward behavior or bearing 
4)deference: Humble submission and respect 
5)enigmatic: Difficult to interpret or understand 
6)definitive: final,conclusive  
7)bumptious: cocky 
8)choleric: Bad-tempered or irritable.
9)bulwark: A defensive wall 
10)curtail: shorten,reduce  
11)adamant:  uncompromising
12)profligate: wasteful 
13)mawkish:Having a faint sickly flavor  
14)thwart: prevent 
15)onus: burden,responsibility  
16)requisite: necessary,required
17)mollify: soothe,pacify   
18)sartorial:  relating to tailoring, clothes 
19)presentiment: premonition,hunch  
20)impromptu: Done without being planned 
21)forbearance: patience,endurance, tolerance 
22)remit: Cancel or refrain

Friday, February 15, 2013

“be yourself- not your idea of what you think somebody else's idea of yourself should be.” ― Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Essay postgame analysis

Today on the essay I think I did okay.  I didnt do as well as I should have but I relized that after I turned it in.  I should have added a lit more detail in my writing and not summarize to much.  I was jumping to far ahead wh ich made me finish faster.  I would give myself about a C. Next time I will take my time amd concentrate more on detail them summarizing

Parlor poety

I think that montag chose dover beach because it was such a meaningful peom and had so much about life and love and all the wonderful things life has to offer that the women in the parlor knew nothing about.
I chose the poem :Passion Of Life.  I chose it because its ttelling you to strive for something that you should be passionate about.  You shouls always set ypur mind to something that is really important to you

To achieve something great in the world you need PassionTo fulfill vision, a great leader’s courage comes from PassionWhatever it may be, you must find your PassionIf passion drives you, let reason hold the reinsFollow your passion and success will follow you! Never underestimate the power of passionWithout passion religion is spiritlessWithout Passion history is meaninglessWithout Passion art is uselessFollow your passion and success will follow you! When you take up a mission with passionThere are no dreams too largeNo innovation unimaginableNo frontiers beyond reach Follow your passion and success will follow you! Our passions are the winds that propel our vesselOur reason is the pilot that steers herWithout winds the vessel would not move Without a pilot she would be lostFollow your passion and success will follow you! There is no end and there is no beginningThere is only the passion of lifePassion is universal humanityPassion is the genesis of geniusFollow your passion and success will follow you! 

Monday, February 11, 2013

My f451

In Fahrenheit 451 the main character was guy montag amd in his community reading was against tje law and of you read or had books the firemen of the town would come and burn down your house. They had mechanical dogs that hunted down people who had books and they were trained to kill.  Montag met a girl named clarrise and he really like her.  He felt she was normal because his wife wasn't.  He hated his wife and they didn't have a good relationship at all.  They didn't talk at all.  They resented one another.  An old woman was found guilty woth books so  the firemen went to her house to burn it down but she wasnt going to let someone else do it so she lit her and her house on fire.  Montag took a book and kept it for himself.  He took it home and he hid it under his pillow and started to pretend like he was sick.  captain beatty went to his house to see when hed be better and mildred was cleaning while montag was trying to hid the book. Clarrise and her family move with out amy word from anybody.  Montag talks to a guy named faber because he knows he can trust him and talk to him about reading and books.  He knew all about books and knew everything montag wanted to know.  Captain beatty knows montag has an I trest in books so he starts sending mechanical dogs around to see whats up.  Captain beatty and montaggo on a job to burn someones house down amd it ends up being montags.  Montag kills beatty and leads the police on a chase after him.  He runs to a river amd sail down it where je comes to some men who happen to be professors looking for a better living life style.  The town gets blown up and montag is the only one alive. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

To modern or postmodern

I feel like this quote was about people feeling lonely and how boring our world is.  Writers talk about the negative in the world and its being wrote about so much its who we are all becoming

Spring vocab #2

1) pg86. Praetorian- body guards used by Roman empire's.
2) pg 78. Sieve- an instrument with a meshed or perforated bottom.
3) pg81. Veiled-partially covered or concealed.
4) pg81. saccharine-containing sugar
5) pg  .harlequin-a comic character in commedia.
6) pg79. Toil-hard or continuous work
7) pg89. Delinquents-failing in or neglectful
Of a duty
8) insidious-intended to entrap or beguile
9)gibbering- to speak inaccurately or meaningless.
10) harlequin-comical  character, usually masked
11) patronage- act of buying something
12) cadence-pace
13) suffused-to overspread with or as with a liquid
14) centrifuge-an apparatus that rotates at high speed
15) dentrifice-a paste or powder for cleaning teeth
16)leisure-freedom from demands of work
17) vessel-a craft for traveling on water
18) phonograph-any sound reproducing medicine
19)profusion- abundance; abundant quality

Sunday, February 3, 2013

The time of my life

Today I spent my time going over Fahrenheit 451 and getting a better understanding of what I was taking also I went ahead And started eating some more to get ahead inn my home work.