Monday, September 17, 2012

Vocabulary 5

allude- refer casually or indirectly
Hopefully I can allude that I need money while talking to my dad.
clairvoyant- having or claiming to have the power of seeing objects
The mind reader claims that she is clairvoyant to my past.
conclusive- serving to settle or decide a question
I am conclusive to whether or not I want to go swimming or running.
disreputable- having a bad reputation

Some people are disreputable because of what they' ve done in their past.
endemic- belonging exclusively or confined to a particular place

Christians are endemic to the church.
exemplary-worthy if imitation
Elvis is very exemplary, that is why he is all over las vegas.
fathom- a unit of length equal to six feet

That ladder is fathom to the ground according to my measuring tape.
guile-crafty or artful deception integrity

Martial arts is very guile by the way the your body moves.
itinerary- a detailed plan for a journey

I have an itinerary for when I go and visit brazil.
misconstrue-to misunderstand the meaning of

I totally misconstrued the homework for tonight.
obnoxious-loud, annoying

The little girl is crying and it is very obnoxious.
placate-to appease or pacify

The sheriff will placate the speeding driver by giving him a ticket.
placid-pleasantly calm or peaceful

The sound of the ocean is so placid and it puts me in such a better mood.
plagiarism- an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own

It is considered cheating if use plagiarism on my essay.potent-powerful, mighty
The MMA fighter looks very potent for his fight.
pretext-something that is put forward to conceal a true purpose or object

The pretext of the story is that it is fake when it is actually real.
protrude-to thrust forward

The runner of the race is going to protude all of his efforts to win his race.
stark-harsh, grim, or desolate

The boyscamp teacher is very stark towards the children.
superficial-being at, on, or near the surface

The island is superficial to the water in the ocean.

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