Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Theme for english 3

I dont think that I am the person that my teacher thinks I am because they all know me as very quiet and smiley when I'm not really that quiet and I'm not always smiley.  I think that I can be myself when I am trying to find my place in this world because I think I have a very all around personality that can satisfy any person. The elements that I have to check is my attitude because I have a bad attitude as well as my reaction to fight.  I love fighting so thats one of my second natures.  Some interests that I have are baking and fighting.  Fighting can help enrich our learning experience by teaching us grrat values.  When you are fighting you have to not give up no matter what is thrown at you.  Just like the poem we just had to memorize.  It was a very hard poem to memorize but there was a handful of students who didn't give up and memorized as much as they could and they didn't give up.  I dont feel like I have many elements that are valued by the school but to my peers I feel like my drive is very valued.  I am a bit slow and dont always do the best work but I try my hardest.  I think that it is possible to take ownership in our learning process.  We all have our thought pattern in every assignment we do and its possible to show people.  Like when I memorized my poem you can see all the stuff that I did to memorize it because there is so much writing and colors that its hard not to be able to tell what I was doing.  

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